Sunday, February 20, 2011

"Slogging My Way Through The Slough of Despond" or "Hair Today; Gone Tomorrow," a melodrama in 3 acts

By now, after all my posts about it, I'm sure you all know that I've joined St. Baldricks. On April 16th I am shaving my head in solidarity with children who lose their hair during cancer treatment. My hair will be donated to Locks of Love in order to make a wig for one of these sweet kiddos, but more importantly, I will be raising funds for cancer research. Because St. Baldricks is purely volunteer run, 100% of the donations I receive will go directly toward research, and that is very exciting to me.

So, you all know WHAT I'm doing. The question I keep getting is WHY? I mean, sure, it's a great idea, noble cause and all that, but the hair bit seems a bit excessive, right? It has even been suggested that I cut my hair short, still donate the length of it, and retain enough for a cute bob. In the future I may actually do that, but for this time, my first time, I have to go all the way.

I wish I could say my intentions were completely altruistic, but to be completely honest, I am seeking to heal myself just as much as I wish to play a role in the healing of others. I am rounding the bend on the longest and darkest year of my life, having fought crippling anxiety, with the help of therapy and medication and a handful of friends who had been there before. I have been in survival mode for a long time now. Although not a bad thing in itself, it is by definition selfish, and I’m getting really tired of it. I am finally to a point in my healing process where I feel like the next step is to shake off the shackles of fear and despair that have held me down. I need to do something daring, something that scares me, and by so doing lend courage to those who really need it.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mel's World Premier on the Blogging Stage

Well, folks, I have finally joined the masses and created a blog. The little green pig has for years been my personal totem. Those who have known me longest will get that, but for those who don't, it isn't terribly important. Suffice it to say, he is a little odd guy who is grossly misunderstood and underestimated and who has a penchant for making lemonade from lemons. One day I might tell you his story.

This is to be my outlet for whatever odd thing keeps me up at night. I hope you find it entertaining and uplifting.